Tuesday, October 19, 2010

portishead sings glory box (side two)

how I would love to get up your skirt
and take you to where nothing can hurt
where rockets go off and sirens wail
and you feel like you could never fail
in that moment of bliss
when the four lips kiss
and the bodies entwine
how I wish you were mine
(I will make you mine)

will you let me in
will you let me in
will you let me in
portishead sings glory box
and love begins

how I would love to dive into your eyes
and find out where the whole truth lies
in that moment when nothing can hide
and you let love reach you deep inside
in that moment of high
when you could just die
and you find you live
with so much to give
(how I want to give)

will you let me give
will you let me give
will you let me give

portishead sings glory box

and love lives

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